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Discover the Remarkable Story of Galapagos National Park

Join us on a journey through time as we explore the establishment of Galapagos National Park, a true testament to conservation and biodiversity.

In 1959, Galapagos National Park was created, making it the first of its kind in Ecuador and one of the world’s most renowned protected areas. Its purpose? To safeguard the unique and fragile ecosystems of the Galapagos Islands, ensuring their preservation for generations to come.

This ecological paradise, declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, is home to an incredible array of species, including the iconic giant tortoises, marine iguanas, blue-footed boobies, and so much more. The park’s boundaries extend over land and sea, encompassing approximately 97% of the archipelago.

Galapagos National Park’s establishment marked a turning point in conservation history. It introduced strict regulations and monitoring systems to protect the delicate balance of this natural wonderland. From visitor quotas to invasive species control, every effort is made to maintain the islands’ pristine state.

Visitors to Galapagos National Park have the unique opportunity to witness evolution in action. The islands’ isolated location and diverse habitats have led to the development of unique species found nowhere else on Earth. This living laboratory of evolution continues to amaze scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.

Discover the Remarkable Story of Galapagos National Park

When you explore Galapagos National Park, you become part of a remarkable legacy of preservation. By respecting the rules and guidelines set forth by the park, you contribute to the ongoing protection of this living treasure.

Join us aboard Oniric Safari Cruises on an unforgettable journey to Galapagos National Park, where you’ll witness nature at its most raw and pristine. Let the enchanting landscapes and incredible wildlife leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Discover the Remarkable Story of Galapagos National Park

Discover the Remarkable Story of Galapagos National Park